Portishead Down & West Big Wood – 16 Aug 15 (SRPG/BNS Meeting)

Chicken of the Woods - Weston Big Wood (MAW)
Chicken of the Woods (MAW)
Cirsium eriophorum - Portishead Down (MAW)
Cirsium eriophorum (MAW)
Epipactis helleborine - Weston Big Wood (GL)
Epipactis helleborine (GL)
Epipactis helleborine - Weston Big Wood (HJC)
Epipactis helleborine (HJC)
Hypericum montanum - Portishead (GL)
Hypericum montanum (GL)
Lithospurmum purpureocaeruleum - Portishead (GL)
Lithospurmum purpureocaeruleum (GL)
SRPG&BNS - Weston Great Wood (GL)
SRPG & BNS in Weston Great Wood (GL)
Trifolium medium - Portishead Down (GL)
Trifolium medium (GL)