Week 7 preview

‘Week 7’ Preview : 30th April – 6th May

First up, ten species carried over from last week, namely:

Black-grass, Alopecurus myosuroides; White Stonecrop, Sedum album; Bramble, Rubus fruticosus (agg.); Annual Pearlwort, Sagina apetala/filicaulis; Black Bryony, Tamus communis; Crested Dog’s-tail, Cynosurus cristatus; Rough Hawkbit, Leontodon hispidus;Water-cress, Nasturtium officinale (agg.); Heath Speedwell, Veronica officinalis; White Campion, Silene latifolia

To which we can now add a further ten:

Dewberry, Rubus caesius;Corn Poppy, Papaver rhoeas; Square-stalked Willowherb, Epilobium tetragonum; White Bryony, Bryonia dioica; Quaking-grass, Briza media; Common Rock-rose, Helianthemum nummularium; Common Spotted-orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii; Horse-radish, Armoracia rusticana; Smooth Hawk’s-beard, Crepis capillaris; Spear Thistle, Cirsium vulgare

Several other species, for which early FFDs have already been recorded, should soon be coming into flower more generally, so it would be well worth keeping a note of when you first see them:

e.g. Fairy Flax, Linum catharticum; Black Knapweed, Centaurea nigra; Rough Chervil, Chaerophyllum temulum; Yellow Rattle, Rhinanthus minor; Ragged Robin, Silene flos-cuculi; Yellow Flag, Iris pseudacorus

As always, I’d be very pleased to hear from anyone seeing any of these (or other) spp coming into flower in the next week, by email to simonleach@phonecoop.coop.

With best wishes to one and all.
